Kember is released in *FINALLY* a goodish news story from Iraq
I love the way this has been reported -
In particular this is from the Guardian website here
"Straw delighted with happy ending...." HA.
Right, so this peace activist goes to an illegally invaded country which is so unstabble now due to the ham-fisted post invasion plan that it's being literally torn apart through civil war with 30+ civilians being killed everyday (not that anyone is keeping a proper record mind, the civilians aren't anyone important like say. soldiers or insurgents), he goes with a message of peace, is kidnapped, threatened with death day in day out for months, has a much younger American colleague Tom Fox murdered by the hostage takers, and is finally rescued by soldiers working on intelligence which although well directed in this instance, would have been far more useful say... I don't know, three years ago when they were;
a. pretending to look for WMD's
b. finished invading and looking to rebuild iraq
And Jack Straw is delighted this is a happpy ending.
Yes, it's a happy ending for Mr Kembers family, friends and of course himself. It's a pathetic attempt to polish a weeping puss filled sore for everyone else.
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