But they'll never take our PSP's and our spliffs!
Honestly makes you wonder exactly what it would take for our own Students and general yoof to mount similar protests.
French protesters rally against labour law
Here is what I think the top 5 things are that might help prompt our own kids to take to the street in protest;
1. Cancelling Hollyoaks.
2. Clamping kids that 'hang-out' on street corners and in bus shelters menacing the old with cutting comments like, "You're old" and "You smell of piss", (Which they do).
3. Making all kids dress differently.
4. Banning students from constantly getting drunk, trampling people flowers, throwing up in their gardens, leaving take-away containers everywhere, playing music until 4am every night AND thinking they are the first kids that have EVER done this.
5. Tell kids they absolutely are forbidden to protest in the street.
Actually, as for no.5 most of them would just say, "I didn't want to do it anyway" and continue to get stoned whilst listening to drum'n'bass and playing Call of Duty (in a completely unironic way). Although from within the darkened confines of their hoodies it is more likely to sound like; "Ey dinun wanna do't anyways"
Bloody kids aye? Don't know they're born.
Just like me when I was their age - feckless, arrogant, insolent, lazy and self-obsessed. I'm getting all teary just thinking about it.
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