burger chute

Monday, March 27, 2006

No Christians may die! But if you're Muslim you're fucked.

There has been outrage in US recently with the story of Christian convert Abdul Rahman who was (under the interpretation of Islamic Sharia law on which Afghanistan's constitution is based) facing the death penalty unless he reconverted back to Islam.

Mood hardens against Afghan convert - BBC

Pres Bush, the big religious nutbag himself declared this a barbaric situation and demanded that all people have the right to religious freedom, which I also agree with, but I can't help feeling that what he actually meant was that Christians are entitled to whatever they want - just like him.

Because lets face it, as Commander in Chief of the occupation of the nation of Iraq he doesn't seem to care that much for all these non-Christians being killed at an estimated rate of 30 a day. Surely being blown to bits or shot to shit can also been seen to be impinging on ones right to life and freedom and that, unless it's the freedom to get an American bullet up the jacksey. Ain't it? Or am I crazy.

Funny how circa 100,000 civilian deaths in the cause of freedom can be misinterpreted by weak minded liberals - you can't make an oil omelette without breaking a fews civi's

Anyway, the death toll rises and rises and once again the US government plays slight of hand distracting the largely gullible West with, "Don't look at the wide spread chaos and civil war we have caused with our venile desires - look here instead at this easy to understand 'movie of the day'esque one mans struggle against the system, and a Christian man at that".

And shamefully even the British media have been getting in on the act, promoting the story of Mr Rahman (Christian 1: Islam 0) over the 3 years of horror from Iraq - but lets face it - there's only so much bad news you can report from there right?

And here kids is how to turn murder, death and violence into a flag waving, back slapping triumph easy to digest and understand for the GTA generation.


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